Tobi Lessem

The 2023 Phoenix AMTA Convention was my first national convention. After years of wanting to attend, I was finally able to do so. I was not disappointed with my first experience. To see a huge gathering of massage therapists gathered in one location and to be a part of that gathering was just phenomenal. I felt a part of that collective and I enjoyed the way that felt. The speakers were motivational and inspirational. I especially enjoyed the informative panel at the end of the conference. A few things that I was not expecting were the size of the Expo, the raffle and the collection of pins from the different state AMTA chapters. I have to admit that I had fun going from booth to booth collecting stamps to fill up my raffle card. I was only slightly disappointed that I was not able to collect as many state pins as I was hoping to. The workshops I attended met and exceeded my expectations. The information provided in the workshops I attended will definitely help me grow and develop professionally. 

Without a doubt, this convention confirmed what I have felt intuitively since my first massage class, I belong in the massage therapy profession. My first national convention will definitely not be my last. I am looking forward to attending future AMTA national conventions.

Timothy Peckinpaugh

Attending the AMTA convention in Phoenix was an amazing experience! When I arrived in Phoenix, I felt the energy of it all. It was great to be around so many massage therapists who take our profession very seriously. 

The speakers were inspiring and energizing. Ben Nemtin argued that we can accomplish anything we want, so long as we put our entire beings into making it happen. AMTA President Christine Bailor-Goodlander encouraged us to follow our “true north.” The final speakers included a board of medical experts, working to carve out a place for massage therapy in the medical field. 

We kicked off the convention by meeting together with the California delegation for breakfast. It felt great to connect to other therapists from across the state, and then to sit together as a group for the opening session. 

The classes I took were all so informative, and I will take something back from each class to my own practice. I learned about craniosacral therapy, a modality which I knew little about. The two hands-on classes I took, soft tissue release and massage for the head and neck, allowed me to practice new techniques with therapists from across the country. 

I loved reconnecting with therapists I had met at previous conventions, both from across California and across the country, and meeting new colleagues. The AMTA convention left me energized and reinvigorated, and I’m excited to attend next year in Tampa!

Darlene Peralta

My name is Darlene Peralta, I’m 37yrs old, and I’m from Visalia California. I’ve been a CMT for 13 years and it’s the most rewarding feeling to help people get through their life with a little more ease.

The AMTA 80th anniversary was my first time attending any massage convention. And let me tell you, I’ve been craving for more knowledge to better my practice, and I got more than what I expected. By the end of the convention, I left being so inspired. A flame ignited to continue to pursue my passion for Massage Therapy.

I’ve learned that in order to better my practice, I have to continue to feed my mind and spirit with knowledge to help others.

The keynote speakers were amazing motivators, my instructors for the class I’ve taken, inspired me to better myself and my career. Also, meeting great MTs from different states, even my own state, what a wonderful and amazing opportunity to get to know them. It felt like home being a Massage Therapist.  I’m definitely looking forward to attending more conventions in the future.

Thank you again AMTA for this opportunity to grow and learn.

Rosalba Beltran

The 2023 Phoenix AMTA Convention was my first national convention. After years of wanting to attend, I was finally able to do so. I was not disappointed with my first experience. To see a huge gathering of massage therapists gathered in one location and to be a part of that gathering was just phenomenal. I felt a part of that collective and I enjoyed the way that felt.

The speakers were motivational and inspirational. I especially enjoyed the informative panel at the end of the conference.

A few things that I was not expecting were the size of the Expo, the raffle and the collection of pins from the different state AMTA chapters. I have to admit that I had fun going from booth to booth collecting stamps to fill up my raffle card. I was only slightly disappointed that I was not able to collect as many state pins as I was hoping to. The workshops I attended met and exceeded my expectations. The information provided in the workshops I attended will definitely help me grow and develop professionally. 

Without a doubt, this convention confirmed what I have felt intuitively since my first massage class, I belong in the massage therapy profession. My first national convention will definitely not be my last. I am looking forward to attending future AMTA national conventions.