President’s Message, June 2022

I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for those of you that helped make this year’s California Conference a success. We appreciate the feedback that was given, and we are listening. Thank you to all of our presenters for expanding our vision and shared valuable information that will be utilized to improve our practices and ability to meet the needs of our clients. I want to extend my appreciation to our management group, CALMA for managing registration and all things technical, the conference would have been very difficult to execute without your expertise and ability to support the presenters and our members. Finally, I want to thank the Board; I lost track of the number of emails that were sent to communicate with each of our presenters and for their tireless efforts to create this wonderful opportunity for us all. While I’m on the topic of conference, the Board conducted a debrief and we are aware that many members expressed an interest to an in-person conference. We are currently exploring the methods that can make this successful and still provide access to those that may have barriers and obstacles relating to travel. We have ideas up our sleeves; we’ll make every effort to find a solution.
I’m humbled to be given the opportunity to continue to guide our Chapter. It has always been a priority to bring as many continuing education opportunities as possible. The Board is continuing to communicate with educators and is planning an impressive schedule of continuing education. We understand some members have requested weeknight classes and we are having those discussions with the instructors as well. We are continuing to schedule in person workshops and we are continuing to consider virtual options. Keep an eye on the events calendar on the Chapter website for more information.
Finally, I’d like to welcome our new board members and delegate. Thank you for making the decision to participate in the leadership of our Chapter. I’m appreciative of your passion for our industry and the strong desire to continue to move us forward. There is a lot of work to do, and I’m glad to have you all along for the journey. As we travel this path together and continue to meet and build our community remember that it takes all of us and our loyal clients to share experiences about the benefits of what we do. I encourage everyone that is able to attend National Convention and hear from other Therapists that have gone through our challenges, that have differing opinions about technique application, and most importantly, those that completely disagree with our perspectives. I find that challenging ourselves only helps us sharpen our critical thinking and ability to effectively express our positions and provide us the language we need to be powerful voices for Massage Therapy.